Dr. Basharat Javed
Selected Publications
Rawwas, M. Y., Javed, B., & Iqbal, M.N. (2018). Perception of Politics and Job Outcomes: Moderating role of Islamic Work Ethic. Personnel Review. 47(1), 1-36. (Impact factor 3.2, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Javed, B., Khan, A. K., & Quratulain, S. (2018). Inclusive Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior: Examination of LMX Perspective in Small Capitalized Textile Firms. The Journal of Psychology, 152(8), 594-612. (Impact factor 4.0, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Javed, B., Abdullah, I., Zaffar, M. A., ul Haque, A., & Rubab, U. (2019). Inclusive leadership and innovative work behavior: The role of psychological empowerment. Journal of Management & Organization, 25(4), 554-571. (Impact factor 3,3, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Javed, B., Naqvi, S. M. M. R., Khan, A. K., Arjoon, S., & Tayyeb, H. H. (2019). Impact of inclusive leadership on innovative work behavior: The role of psychologicalsafety. Journal of Management & Organization, 25(1), 117-136. (Impact factor 3.3, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Javed, B., Fatima, T., Yasin, R. M., Jahanzeb, S., & Rawwas, M. Y. (2019). Impact of abusive supervision on deviant work behavior: The role of Islamic work ethic. Business Ethics: A European Review, 28(2), 221-233. (Impact factor 2.9, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Younas, A., Wang, D., Javed, B., Rawwas, M. Y., Abdullah, I., & Zaffar, M. A. (2020). Positive psychological states and employee creativity: The role of ethical leadership. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(3), 567-581. (Impact factor 3.2, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Jahanzeb, S., Fatima, T., Javed, B., & Giles, J. P. (2020). Can mindfulness overcome theeffects of workplace ostracism on job performance? The Journal of social psychology, 160(5), 589-602. (Impact factor 4.1, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Khan, J., Javed, B., Mubarak, N., Bashir, S., & Jaafar, M. (2020). Psychological empowerment and project success: the role of knowledge sharing. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69(6), 2997-3008. (Impact factor 5.8, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Khan, J., Jaafar, M., Javed, B., Mubarak, N., & Saudagar, T. (2020). Does inclusive leadership affect project success? The mediating role of perceived psychological empowerment and psychological safety. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(5), 1077-1096. (Impact factor 5.6, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Javed, B., Khan, A. K., Arjoon, S., Mashkoor, M., & Haque, A. U. (2020). Openness to experience, ethical leadership, and innovative work behavior. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(1), 211-223. https://doi.org/10.1002/jocb.360; IF 3.2 (Impact factor 5.6, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Javed, B., Fatima, T., Khan, A. K., & Bashir, S. (2021). Impact of inclusive leadershipon innovative work behavior: the role of creative self‐efficacy. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(3), 769-782. (Impact factor 3.2, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Quratulain, S., Khan, A. K., Sabharwal, M., & Javed, B. (2021). Effect of self-efficacyand instrumentality beliefs on training implementation behaviors: testing the moderating effect of organizational climate. Review of public personnel administration, 41(2), 250- 273. (Impact factor 4.0, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Shahzad, K., Iqbal, R., Javed, B., & Hashmi, S. D. (2022). Impact of work-study conflict on workplace outcomes: supervisor support for juggling many balls. International Journal of Conflict Management, 33(3), 475- 493.https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCMA-05- 2021-0069; IF 3.3 (Impact factor 3.3, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.
Younas, A., Wang, D., Javed, B., & Haque, A. U. (2023). Inclusive leadership and voice behavior: The role of psychological empowerment. The Journal of Social Psychology, 163(2),174-190. (Impact factor 4.1, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.