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Dr. Jawaid Abdul Ghani

Selected Publications

1. Task characteristics and the experience of optimal flow in human—computer interaction

    JA Ghani, SP Deshpande

    The Journal of psychology 128 (4), 381-391


2. Flow in human-computer interactions: Test of a model

    JA Ghani

    Human factors in information systems: Emerging theoretical bases, 291-311


3. Clusters and entrepreneurship: Implications for innovation in a developing economy.

    JH Khan, JA Ghani

    Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 9 (3)


4. Task uncertainty and the use of computer technology

    JA Ghani

    Information & Management 22 (2), 69-76


5. Effect of end-user computing on job satisfaction: An exploratory study

    JA Ghani, AR Al-Meer

    Information & Management 17 (4), 191-195


6. The impact of a change in information representation and a change in the amount of information on              decision performance

    J Ghani, EJ Lusk

    Human Systems Management 3 (4), 270-278


7. Consolidation In Pakistan's Retail Sector

    A Ghani

    Asian Journal of Management Cases 2 (2), 137-161


8. The changing data processing environment in Saudi Arabia

    JA Ghani, S Al-Sakran

    Information & Management 14 (2), 61-66


9. Network relationships and asset specificity in Pakistan's automotive industry

    JA Ghani, JH Khan

    Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 9 (1), 84-100


10. Optimal second-best tariffs on an intermediate input with particular reference to Pakistan

      S Lahiri, A Nasim, J Ghani

      Journal of Development Economics 61 (2), 393-416


11. The economics of outsourcing in a de-integrating industry

      JA Ghani, AI Rana, K Bhutta

      Journal of International Business Research 7, 47-60


12. Spreadsheets in financial education: Balancing the challenges

      JA Ghani, JP D’Mello

      Financial Practice and Education 3 (1), 65-71


13. Human information processing research: Its MlS-design consequences

      JA Ghani, E Lusk

      Human Sys. Mgmt 3 (1)


14. Dynamics of outsourcing in industrial clusters: a study of the Gujrat fan industry in Pakistan

      AI Rana, JA Ghani

      Asian Journal of Management Cases 1 (1), 7-24

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