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Dr. Naeem Khan

Selected Publications 

  1. Khan, N., Malik, Q. A., Saghir, A., Aslam, M., & Husnain, M. (2021). Does corporate social responsibility reduce information asymmetry? Empirical evidence from Pakistan. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 9(3), 934-950. (HEC W Category, Scopus).

  2. Saghir, A., Tirmizi, S. M. A., Mahmood, C. K., Mirza, N. I., & Khan, N. (2021). On portfolio optimization: Are there financial gains of using alternative covariance methods? Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 9(3), 1113-1123. (HEC W Category, Scopus)

  3. Khan, N., Malik, Q. A., Saghir, A., Rasheed, M. H., & Husnain, M. (2021). Does corporate social responsibility reduce financial distress? Evidence from emerging economy. Management Science Letters, 8(11), 2225-2232. (HEC X Category, Scopus).

  4. Khan, N, Malik, Q. A., & Saghir, A. (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance: Evidence from Pakistan. International Review of Management and Business Research, 9(04) (HEC Y Category)

  5. Khan, N., & Malik, Q. (2020). Impact of corporate social responsibility on firm performance mediating role of investment inefficiency. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11, 12. (HEC Y Category, ESCI)

  6. Khan, N., Malik, Q. A., Ali, S., Rasheed, M. H., & Saghir, A. (2021). Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Performance: Mediating Role of Information Asymmetry. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 20(4). 0972-5784. (HEC X Category, Scopus)

  7. Aslam, M., Alim, W., & Khan, N. (2022). Nexus between Capital Flows and Economic Growth: An Evidence from South Asian Countries. Journal of Economic Impact, 2664-9756. (HEC Y Category)

  8. Noman, M., Ahmed, W., Saghir, A., & Khan, N. (2023). Does Management of Working Capital Affects Profitability: Evidence from Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan. iRASD Journal of Economics, 5(1), 82-90. (HEC Y Category)

  9. Khan, N. Ahmed, W. Maqbool, Z. Sadiq, S. Rasheed, MH. (2023) Does Ownership Concentration Moderates in CSR and Firm Performance Relationship?  An Evidence from Non-Financial Sector Listed Companies of Pakistan. Journal of Namibian Studies, 34 (S2), 2197-5523. (HEC Y Category, Scopus).

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