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Dr. Sajid Bashir

Selected Publications 

  1. Mubarak, N., Khan, J., Bashir ,S., Safdar, S. (2024). Dark Side of Leadership and Information Technology Project Success: The Role of Mindfulness. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 39(3), 304-322. (Impact factor 4.09, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  2. Younis, S., Bashir ,S., Irshad, M., Javed, B.(2023). Impact of the Paradoxical Leadership on Employee Creativity; Testing and Moderated Mediation Model. SAGE Open, 11(1), (Impact factor 1.9, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  3. Yasin, M., Bashir, S,(2023). Supervisor Phubbing Phenomenon in Organizations: Determinants and Impacts. International Journal of Business Communication, 60(1),150-172. Impact factor 2.8, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  4. Zaman, K., Bashir, S., Afaq, Z., & Khan, N. (2022). Covid-19 Risk Perception of Travel Destination Development and Validation of a Scale. SAGE Open, 12(1), (Impact factor 1.9, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  5. Ishaq, E., Raja,U.,Bouckenooghe, D., Bashir, S. (2022). Leaders’ Trait Signaling Effect on Followers’ Psychological Contract Dynamics. Personnel Review, 51(3), 876-899. (Impact factor 3.9, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  6. Ishaq, E., Bashir, S., Khan, A. K., Hassan, M. M., & Zakariya, R. (2021). Epistemic curiosity and perceived workload: a moderated mediation model of achievement striving and overwork climate. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(18), 3888-3911. (Impact factor 5.6, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  7. Ishaq, E., Bashir, S., & Khan, A. K. (2021). Paradoxical leader behaviors: Leader personality and follower outcomes. Applied Psychology, An International Review 70(1), 342-357. (Impact factor 7.2, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  8. Sarwar, A., Bashir, S., & Karim Khan, A. (2021). Spillover of workplace bullying into family incivility: Testing a mediated moderation model in a time-lagged study. Journal of interpersonal violence,
    36(17-18), 8092-8117. (Impact factor 3.064, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.


  9. Baig, M. U. A., Bashir, S., & Ishaq, E. (2021). Protégé ego-resiliency and perceived mentoring: an additive multiple moderation model of cultural orientations. Journal of Career Development, 48(6),
    987-1002. Impact factor 2.9 , JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.


  10. Ishaq, E., Bashir, S., Zakariya, R., & Sarwar, A. (2021). Technology Acceptance Behavior and Feedback Loop: Exploring Reverse Causality of TAM in Post-COVID-19 Scenario. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. . Impact factor 2.06, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  11. Javed, B., Fatima, T., Khan, A. K., & Bashir, S. (2021). Impact of inclusive leadership on innovative work behavior: the role of creative self‐efficacy. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(3), 769-782. Impact factor 2.66, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  12. Khan, J., Javed, B., Mubarak, N., Bashir, S., & Jaafar, M. (2020). Psychological Empowerment and Project Success: The Role of Knowledge Sharing. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 69(6),
    2997-3008. . Impact factor 2.78, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.


  13. Irshad, M., & Bashir, S .(2020). The dark side of organizational identification: a multi-study investigation of negative outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2521. Impact factor 2.06, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  14. Hasan, M., Bashir, S., Raja,U., Khattak, S.A. (2020). Personality and Balanced Psychological Contracts: The Mediating Roles of Epistemic Curiosity and Rule-Following Behavior. Business Ethics A European Review,  Impact factor 6.79, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  15. Zakariya, R. and Bashir, S. (2020). Can knowledge hiding promote creativity among IT professionals", VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 51(5), 693-712. SSCI Indexed/ESCI Indexed, Impact factor 2.8 , JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  16. Khalid, M., Bashir,S., Khan, A.K., Abbas,N.(2018). When and how Abusive Supervision leads to Knowledge Hiding Behaviors:An Islamic Work Ethics Perspective. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 39(6), 794-806 . (Impact factor 4.9, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  17. Kanwal, N., Zafar, M. S., & Bashir, S. (2017). The combined effects of managerial control, resource commitment, and top management support on the successful delivery of information systems projects. International Journal of Project Management, 35(8), 1459-1465. (Impact factor 8.0, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  18. Shaheen, S., Bashir, S., Khan, A.K.(2017). Examining Organizational Cronyism as an Antecedent of Workplace Deviance in Public Sector Organizations. Public Personnel Management, 46(3), 308-323.  (Impact factor 0.789, JCR, 2016,Clarivate Analytics®.

  19. Hassan, M. M., Bashir, S., & Abbas, S. M. (2017). The Impact of Project Managers' Personality on Project Success in NGOs: The Mediating Role of Transformational Leadership. Project Management Journal, 48(2), 74–87. (Impact factor 5.0, JCR, 2016, Clarivate Analytics®.

  20. Javed, B., Khan, A. A., Bashir, S., & Arjoon, S. (2017). Impact of ethical leadership on creativity: the role of psychological empowerment. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(8), 839-851. (Impact factor 3.395, JCR, 2016, Clarivate Analytics®.

  21. Javed, B., Bashir, S., Rawwas, M. Y., & Arjoon, S. (2017). Islamic work ethic, innovative work behaviour, and adaptive performance: The mediating mechanism and an interacting effect. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(6), 647-663. (Impact factor 3.395, Clarivate Analytics®.

  22. Noor, A., Bashir, S., & Earnshaw, V. A. (2016). Bullying, internalized hepatitis (Hepatitis C virus) stigma, and self-esteem: Does spirituality curtail the relationship in the workplace. Journal of health psychology, 21(9), 1860-1869, (Impact factor 2.256, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  23. Hassan, M. M., Bashir, S., & Mussel, P. (2015). Personality, learning, and the mediating role of epistemic curiosity: A case of continuing education in medical physicians. Learning and Individual Differences, 42, 83-89. (Impact factor 3.6, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  24. Mirza, M. Z., & Bashir, S. (2015). Workers 9/11 in Pakistan; neglected Sparks Causing Conflagration. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics,21(3), 405-410. (Impact factor 1.377, JCR Clarivate Analytics®.

  25.  Bashir, S., & Nasir, M. (2013). Breach of psychological contract, organizational cynicism and union commitment: A study of hospitality industry in Pakistan. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, 61-65. (Impact factor 11.7, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  26. Bashir, S., Khattak, H. R., Hanif, A., & Chohan, S. N. (2011). Whistle-blowing in public sector organizations: Evidence from Pakistan. The American Review of Public Administration, 41(3), 285-296. (Impact factor 2.602, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

  27. Bashir, S. (2011). HIV/AIDS stigma at the workplace: exploratory findings from Pakistan: original article. SAHARA: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance, 8(3), 156-161. (Impact factor 2.02, JCR, Clarivate Analytics®.

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